Coway - 空氣清新機 AP-1516D - AP-1516D

Coway - 空氣淨化機 AP-1516D

Coway - 空氣淨化機 AP-1516D

Recommended room size: 49.5 m² (533 ft²)

Dimensions (W x D x H): 410 x 240 x 765 mm

Net Weight: 12.0 kg

特點 Features

1. Excellent air cleaning 超卓淨化力

The cleaning filter system has been optimized for reduction of bacteria and removal of invisible ultrafine dust and others from indoor air. 優化的過濾淨化系統能有效隔除空氣中的細菌、超微細灰塵及其他污染物。

2. Powerful clean air flow 加強室內空氣循環 

Quickly circulates purified air in different directions through 3-step multi-circulation. 三重空氣循環系統配備三向出風口,有助加強室內潔淨空氣對流。

3. Fine dust filter 灰塵專用濾網 

The fine dust filter effectively captures not only large dusts but also fine dusts such as pollen, mold, and pet dander. 配有高效灰塵專用濾網,有效隔除沙塵、微細粉塵,例如:花粉、霉菌及寵物皮屑。

4. Real-time air purification display 實時空氣品質監測顯示

Four coloured indicators provide visible notice of current air quality in real time. 四色顯示燈,提供實時空氣品質檢測。

5. Detachable outlet grilles 可拆式出風口隔網 

Detachable outlet grills are installed on the top/front of the product for easier, more effective cleaning than in other products with fixed covers.


6. Super rapid circulation system 快速濾淨功能

When you need to rapidly purify air after coming back home, swiftly purify air in the entire house. This operating mode can effectively remove dust in your house the most quickly in 3 stages. 三段式快速快速濾淨功能,能高效過濾室內空氣。

濾網 Filter

有效過濾99.9% 灰塵、細菌、病毒、毛髮、寵物毛髮、VOCs、沙塵、微生物、花粉、微粉塵、流感病毒、食物氣味、香煙煙霧、寵物異味等空氣污染物。

1. Pre-filter 前置靜電濾網 

Removes relatively large dust and mold, hair, pet fur, etc 有效阻隔較大的沙塵、霉菌、頭髮及寵物毛髮等。

2. Fine Dust filter 中置濾網 

Effectively captures not only large dust but also fine dust such as pollen, mold and pet dander. 不僅可以有效阻隔較大塵埃,更能有效去除花粉,霉菌和寵物皮屑等細微灰塵。

3. Deodorization filter AC除臭濾網 

The granular activated carbon deodorization filter effectively removes odors including food smell and musty house smells and harmful gases indoors. 顆粒狀的活性炭除臭濾網能有效去除室內臭味,例如:食物氣味、屋內霉味、寵物異味和甲醛及VOCs(苯、甲苯、二甲苯、苯乙烯)等有害氣體等。

4. HEPA filter HEPA濾網 

The high-performance synthetic HEPA filter is excellent at removing cigarette smoke and fine dust. 高效能的HEPA濾網有效去除煙味、粉塵、病毒、流感細菌等。

Mode 模式

1. Auto mode 自動模式 

Operates effectively by automatically adjusting the purifier’s air volume. 自動根據空氣狀況調節過濾效能。

2. Silent mode 寧靜模式 

Minimizes air cleaning level during operation to create a quiet, comfortable environment. This operation mode is quiet and consumes less power. 降低過濾效能,帶來舒適寧靜的環境。寧靜模式下,耗電量會較低。

3. Haze mode 強效模式 

Maximizes air cleaning level during operation to quickly create a comfortable environment. Haze mode uses a higher air cleaning level than “high air cleaning level”. 將過濾效能提升至最高,有效快速過濾室內空氣。強效模式比手動最高模式更高效。

4. *Sleep mode *睡眠模式 

If the area around the purifier darkens for at least 3 minutes while it is operating in auto mode, the purifier automatically converts to low air cleaning level, low noise, low power consumption mode. 自動模式操作下,如果室內環境變暗超過三分鐘,空氣淨化機會自動調節到低效能、低音量及低耗電量的睡眠模式。

HK$7,500.00 HK$6,500.00

空氣清新機品牌: Coway

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